"The mentoring, leadership and networking opportunities through the scholarship are invaluable."

Kaipara Vet Services Inc Grant


Closing Date: 1 Jun 2024

Value: $4,000

Region: Northland

Teritary Institution: Massey University

Offered By: Massey University

Study Level: Undergraduate

Study Area: Veterinary

Open to fourth-year Bachelor of Veterinary Science students who have an interest in large animals and intend to practice in New Zealand.

The value of the grant will be $4,000. The grant is tenable for two years, with the second year conditional upon the recipient’s grades and the funds available.

Preference may be given to a student residing in the Kaipara Valley area.

It is expected that the successful candidate shall participate in at least 2 weeks seeing practice’ with Vets North in Helensville